Last month I discussed my strategy of treating on two levels, the outer physical level (the level of toxins, mercury fillings, bad bite, etc.) and the inner energetic level.
For a greater understanding of this month’s newsletter, please read Part One; Why Some Holistic Dentists Think I am Not Holistic). This month I want to further discuss treatment of this inner level.
The inner or core level consists of the things with which you have come into this world, i.e., those things that have been passed down generationally.
For example, I had an inherited trait that made me unusually susceptible to coming down with either bronchitis or pneumonia almost every time I caught a cold.
This level also includes those emotional traumas or emotional perceptions that have built up since birth or even while in the womb.
This level is where treatment with a single, specific homeopathic remedy can have a profound positive impact on one’s health. When I was I in my late 20s, a homeopathic doctor treated me to eradicate my proclivity to lung problems. Since that time, I have not had one case of bronchitis. If this inherited trait had not been erased from my cellular matrix, I believe there would be a good chance that I would now have some type of chronic lung disease.
A person’s symptoms, both physical and emotional, are nature’s voice calling out to us.
Symptoms are a manifestation of the core imbalance and are our guidepost to finding the right remedy. ” Like cures like” is the main pillar of homeopathy. Through homeopathic provings (see my book or past newsletters), we know which symptoms correlate to specific homeopathic remedies. The method used by most homeopathic practitioners is to match the major symptoms of the patient, as well as their most peculiar symptoms, with a homeopathic remedy that comes closest having these symptoms in its proving.
Today, software programs help in finding the closest match. Using this method I have been reasonably successful in finding a core remedy, but I have not achieved the degree of positive response that I would have liked. I found this very frustrating. The biggest problem is the overlapping of the proven symptoms in the repertory (the repertories are the books of provings). For example, if a patient had as a main symptom “ailments from grief,” there are a number of possible remedies. Let us say that there are three possible remedies, A, B, or C. One would then look at the patient’s other symptoms to see if A, B or C is listed under them. If A was a match 75% of the time and B and C were less of a match, A would be chosen as the remedy for the patient. The fundamental problem here is that even though A matched up most often with the patient’s symptoms, it still may be that B or C would be better.
If we knew with almost absolute certainty which of the three was the right remedy we would have a much higher likelihood of success. After studying the works of Dr. Rajan Sankharan, I have found it is indeed possible to increase that success rate. Briefly I will tell you about Dr. Sankaran’s approach.
Dr. Sankaran believes that we have within us both a human voice and a non-human voice. The non-human voice will come from the animal, mineral or plant kingdoms. Health is achieved when only the human voice can be heard. When the non-human voice is shouting out, that voice is the voice of symptoms. Those symptoms and, specifically, the sensations of those symptoms, reflect which kingdom is speaking. (In the above example, if A, B and C each belonged to a different kingdom and we figured out the kingdom of the patient’s voice, it would be easy to decide which remedy to choose). By concentrating on the patient’s chief symptom and what words they use and what they are saying, we are led to the “source”.
The key rests in carefully taking the case. Dr. Sankaran outlines specific levels to go through as one is taking the case and how best to get to the source. This is an art in itself, but the rewards are magnificent.
Once the kingdom is found, then the sub-kingdom needs to be revealed. For example, let us take the person whose chief complaint are terrible headaches; she has not been well since her spouse cheated on her. When we look in the repertory under “ailments from grief,” there are three major homeopathic remedies. Each one comes from a different kingdom. The patient whose non-human voice comes from the mineral kingdom would have the reaction that her whole world just collapsed; everything was built around him, and, now, it is no more. The mineral world is that of structure and relationships. If the voice came from the animal kingdom, the reaction would be “why is that woman better than me; I’m going to take revenge on her”. The world of survival and violence belong to the animal kingdom. The world of the plant kingdom is one of reactivity, just as plants react to lack of water or changes in weather or soil. Here the patient’s reaction would be devastation and deep grief. Probing to get to the underlying reaction leads to the kingdom. Further probing helps lead to the sub-kingdom. If the reaction is of the animal kingdom we may find the patient would like to kill the other woman, sneaking up behind her and choking her to death. This choking or tightening of the hands around the neck would lead us to think of the snake family and thus a specific remedy. We would probably find that the underlying sensation of the headache is like a vice tightening around the head! Administration of the snake remedy will relieve the headache and can also remove the venomous feelings.
Next month I will share some stories about patients on whom I used the Sankaran method.
© 2013, Mark A. Breiner, DDS
The information presented is for educational purposes only. You should consult a qualified health practitioner for diagnosis and treatment.