How To Help With Anxiety and Depression in 2021

Anxiety and depression have seen a steady increase in cases in recent years. Though the two are two separate conditions, it is not uncommon for someone that has depression to also have anxiety. With an increase of cases, we have begun to hear more about depression and anxiety. But do we really know what these conditions look like?


Anxiety is our brain and body’s reaction to stressful and unfamiliar situations. While a certain amount of anxiety is helpful in keeping us alert to situations, anxiety disorders can lead a person to being completely incapacitated by their fear and anxiety about situations. There are several different types of anxiety disorders, some of them are as follows:


  • Social anxiety disorder. This is where a person experiences excessive fear in regards to being publicly embarrassed. 
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder. This is an anxiety disorder that develops after a person has been exposed to a traumatic event. 
  • Generalized anxiety disorder. This is where a person experiences chronic anxiety even when there is little to provoke it. 
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder. This is an anxiety disorder where a person experiences repeated unwanted thoughts and/or repeated behaviors. 



Depression is a disorder that affects the way that a person feels, thinks, and acts. It is generally characterized by feelings of sadness or hopelessness that go beyond being simply upset about something. Mild forms of depression differ from major depressive disorders (MDD) in that MDD are long-lasting and intense bouts of depression that interfere with daily activities. Some symptoms of MDD are as follows:


  • Lack of interest in doing activities 
  • Change in appetite
  • Weight fluctuation
  • Fatigue
  • Excessive feelings of guilt or worthlessness
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Suicidal thoughts



While we are able to speculate on what causes anxiety and depressive disorders there is no one for sure known cause. Some theories are that they are caused by things such as:

  • Genetics
  • Stress
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Chronic illness
  • Sleep imbalance



The effects that both anxiety and depression have on your body are numerous. Both anxiety and depression affect the brain, and at times cause it to either shrink or become inflamed. This shrinking and inflation affect the brain’s ability to learn, regulate moods, and remember things.


The first step is seeking professional help. While it can be helpful to talk to people that are important to you about what is going on, seeking professional help can help you find a treatment that is best for your symptoms. This step is often the hardest because of the stigmas that revolve around mental health, but this is the most important step. 

Once you have talked to a medical professional, like those Breiner Whole Body Wellness, they will give you a treatment plan. There are a few different anxiety and depression treatment options. They include, but are not limited to: lifestyle changes, medication and therapy. 

Lifestyle changes:

Changing your lifestyle can have a positive on your mental health. 

  • Exercising both your body and mind regularly
  • Eating a balanced diet 
  • Reducing stress
  • Getting between 7-8 hours of sleep per night
  • Laughing
  • Meditating

These things can help to reduce the anxiety and depression that you experience in your life. 


Medication does not work for everyone, however for some it is helpful in stabilizing their hormones which helps to reduce anxiety and depression. Taking meditation as well as engaging in another form of treatment has been found to have the most positive effect in reducing anxiety and depression. 


Therapy has been proven to help in treating anxiety and depression. There are several different therapies that can help, they are:

  • Brain Performance Therapy. This therapy maps out the way that your brain functions and works to improve it.
  • Cognitive-behavioral Therapy. This therapy focuses on understanding and changing thinking and behavior patterns.
  • Exposure Therapy. This therapy slowly introduces the source of a person’s anxiety in a safe setting, allowing them to become less sensitive to the situation over time. 
  • Interpersonal Therapy. This therapy is a short term therapy that focuses on finding a resolution to interpersonal problems. 

These are simply some of the therapies that are out there. Talking with your doctor can help you find the therapy that is best for you. 

How can we help:

Here at Brainer Whole Body Wellness in Fairfield, CT we are dedicated to helping you live the best life possible. We have an excellent anxiety and depression treatment center. We offer brain performance therapy, which has been proven to increase brain productivity and lower stress, as well as other medical assistance. Our amazing staff is here to help you. 

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Providing holistic healthcare solutions to Westport and surrounding communities, Breiner Whole-Body Health Center is dedicated to enhancing wellness across Connecticut.

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