What do you think of when you hear the word ozone?

Most people answer smog. We hear reports, “The ozone level is high – don’t go out and exercise especially if you have breathing problems because ozone irritates the lungs and breathing passages.” However, the ozone level is increased when the smog level is up because ozone is nature’s way of cleaning pollutants. Ozone is used to measure smog because it is present in reaction to smog.

Ozone is the fresh smell after a thunderstorm that is so invigorating.

Plants produce oxygen (O2). Oxygen is lighter then air and rises into the atmosphere to an altitude of 50,000 to 100,000 feet. Upon exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet radiation or lightning, some of the oxygen is split into O1 and O1. An O1 briefly combines with an O2 to give O3 (ozone). Ozone combining with the sun’s UV light makes life on earth possible. The O3 is heavier than air and as it descends back to earth it oxidizes any pollutants it touches, including, among others, the hydrocarbons from car exhaust.

Besides being an “air purifier”, ozone has fantastic medical applications. As is the case with many things, the dose is critical. By using ozone in combination with oxygen at specific dosages, predictable results can be achieved.

Ozone can be made by exposing O2 (this should only be medical grade oxygen) to simulated lightning. This is done in an electric discharge field of a corona discharge generator. This is possible because oxygen is the only gas that can accept and carry an electrical charge. This characteristic makes ozone a very powerful oxidizer as well as a tremendous killer of bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. It is this disinfectant property that explains ozone’s use in over 3000 municipal water treatment facilities throughout the world.

Ozone in the body is very transient, disappearing very quickly.

As it reverts to O2 it increases the amount of oxygen in the body and acts as a powerful oxidant which “jump-starts” the body’s endogenous antioxidant system. Ozone also causes the formation of Reactive Oxygen Species (mainly hydrogen peroxide) and Lipid Oxidation Products. The biochemistry is very complex. But, suffice it to say, that these products which are produced in reaction to the ozone that are responsible for the cascade of biochemical reactions taking place in different cells all over the body. These cellular events are what bring about the death of the bacteria, viruses, fungi and mold.

Ozone also activates a person’s immune system through a series of cellular events. Even the circulatory system is stimulated. All this and more with virtually no side effects!

Remember, when I am speaking of ozone, I am really referring to oxygen/ozone.

It is always a combination of medical grade oxygen and pure ozone made in a medical grade generator. This process allows the production and, therefore, administration of precise amounts of ozone. The ozone concentration in the oxygen will be between 1 and 100ug/ml (micrograms/milliliter). The dose will vary according to the patient and what is being treated.

What is ozone good for?

Dr. Velio Bocci, is one of the world’s experts in ozone therapy. In his book,(Ozone a New Medical Drug Springer, 2005) Dr. Bocci writes, “Ozone can act as a disinfectant, an oxygen donor, an immunomodulatar, a paradoxical inducer of antioxidant enzymes, a metabolic enhancer, an inducer of endothelial nitric acid synthase and possibly an activator of stem cells with consequent neovascularization and tissue reconstruction.”

These qualities make ozone useful in combating bacterial, fungal, parasitic, protozoan, and viral infections. It is also helpful in various ischemic diseases such as those involving the heart or brain and any circulatory impairment. Dr. Bocci finds ozone therapy very helpful in retinal degenerative disorders, autoimmune disease, MS, cancer, prediabetes and diabetes, dermatological diseases, pulmonary problems, anti-inflammatory processes and more. Used properly ozone therapy is non-toxic and virtually without side effects.

Depending on what is being treated, there are a number of different ways to administer ozone.

One method of administration is via the blood. There are two ways to do this. In “minor autohemotherapy” 10 ml of the patient’s blood is removed and treated with ozone. This mixture is then injected intramuscularly. In “major autohemotherapy” 250 ml of blood is drawn and exposed to ozone and this ozonated blood is then given back intravenously. The “major” treatment is used for such problems as HIV, heart disease, arthritis, cancer, etc. The “minor” treatment is used for such things as allergies and inflammatory diseases. With joint problems, ozonated sterile water is injected directly into the joint.

Another technique is called rectal insufflation. Here ozone gas is administered rectally. It is also useful for any GI disease, anal and rectal abscesses, and it seems beneficial for any problem that would be helped by IV ozone administration.

For various vaginal problems, vaginal insufflation has been useful. In this manner ozone addresses bacterial, fungal and viral infections.

Another method of general systemic administration is via the ears. This works well because of the abundant vascularity of the tympanic membrane. Naturally this is also helpful for ear infections.

For problems involving the skin such as burns, ulcers, slow healing wounds, radiation damage, fungal infections, and gangrene, there are three methods employed depending upon the area involved.

For small localized areas skin cupping is performed. Skin cupping involves placing a small glass cup over the area to be treated and pumping ozone gas through the cup.

If a limb is involved, a limb bag can be utilized. This is an airtight bag which is placed over the arm or leg. The air is removed and ozone gas is pumped into the bag. The same technique can be applied using a complete body bag.

Ozone can also be given topically, either as ozonated water or as ozonated olive oil. You would use this on any type of skin or mucosal problem. The ozonated water can also be used for colonics.

Another route of administration is through inhalation. Remember, ozone is irritating to the lungs. So in order to safely inhale ozone it must first pass through olive oil. This has been found to be useful for allergies, asthma, all respiratory diseases, sinus problems, etc.

Remember, ozone must be administered as an oxygen/ozone mixture in precise amounts and the oxygen must be of medical grade quality.

Naturally, my specific interest is in its dental applications and next month I would like to address ozone use in dentistry.

© 2007, Mark A. Breiner, DDS

The information presented is for educational purposes only. You should consult a qualified dentist or health practitioner for diagnosis and treatment. 

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