The movie, ROOT CAUSE, is now available to download on Vimeo as well as itunes. Root Cause is a story/documentary of one man’s journey to solving his chronic health problems. The turning point in his health occurred when he had his root-canaled tooth extracted. By the number of calls coming into my office, the movie is having an impact on those with root canals. I was honored to be interviewed in this documentary, and I encourage everyone to watch Root Cause.

You can watch the movie trailer for Root Cause by clicking on the image below.

Even though I have written about root canals in the past, I think now is an excellent time to review and update the available information.

What is a root canal?

Anatomy of a ToothLet me begin by defining what a root canaled tooth is. A tooth has enamel on the visible part of it. The part of the tooth in the bone and below the gum line has cementum as its outer covering. Beneath these layers is the dentin and in the center is the pulp canal. Visualize the pulp canal as a pipe in the center of the tooth which contains the nerve, lymph, and blood supply. When a tooth dies, everything in the pulp canal becomes necrotic and infected.

During a root canal procedure, the “pipe” is cleaned out and disinfected; this is where the problem starts. Branching off the pipe are millions of dentinal tubules. These dentinal tubules cannot be disinfected, and the bacteria within the tubules can go out into the system “seeding” infection anywhere in the body. These bacteria give off toxins which have been found to be as potent as botulinum. These facts are not new, having been proven almost 100 years ago by Dr. Weston Price! These problems are universal to root canals. Now picture this: you have an infected tooth, and every time you bite on it the bacteria and toxins are “pumped” into your circulation, thus traveling to various tissues and organs. More recent research has upheld the work of Dr. Price. Studies show that atherosclerotic plaque in the lining of diseased coronary arteries as well as the clots causing a myocardial infarction contains the same pathogens as found in root canals and periodontal disease.

Dr. Price’s research showed that a root canaled tooth could cause almost any chronic disease, be it arthritis, heart disease, nervous system disorders, mental problems, and the list goes on. A person’s area of genetic weakness will determine what symptoms they will manifest.

Hidden Infections from Dead Teeth

As devastating as root canals are, hidden infections from dead teeth are equally or even more important as a generator of bacteria and toxins being pumped out into the circulation. A 3-D Head CAT Scan (also known as Cone Beam) is helpful in finding these silent contributors to ill health.

Cavitations (holes in the bone where teeth have been removed) are also sites of chronic infection. The Root Cause documentary also discusses cavitations.

Why does a tooth die?

There are many reasons that a tooth can die. It can die because of trauma. This trauma can be from a blow to the mouth, as when a baby will bang his or her head into the mouth of the parent, or from a sports injury or a punch to the mouth, as in the movie Root Cause. A tooth can also die due to chronic clenching or grinding of the teeth. Another cause can be extensive dental treatment of a tooth (such as crowns or large fillings due to decay). The increased potential for a tooth to die is one of the reasons I try not to mutilate a tooth with a full crown unless I have no other options. Also, sometimes a tooth dies, and we have no explanation.

Will you feel pain when your tooth dies?

A tooth can die a silent death, and you will not be aware of the situation, or it can cause pain and swelling. The need to uncover “silent infections” is another reason why it is essential to have a 3-D Head CAT Scan.

What do you do when your tooth dies?

When your tooth dies you are faced with a dilemma – do I have a root canal performed to preserve the tooth in my mouth or do I have my tooth extracted? As I have previously discussed in the past newsletters, the safest route is to extract the tooth and to thoroughly debride the area. However, some people cannot bring themselves to remove a tooth. Then it all comes down to their immune system and to the associated acupuncture meridian that the tooth is on. If their immune system can quarantine the bacteria and toxins emanating from the root canaled tooth, they will be fine. However, if their immune system goes down, they may be in trouble. I find energetic testing (EAV) extremely valuable in determining if a root canaled tooth is being quarantined. However, as I tell my patients, this means the tooth is OK today, but if their immune system becomes compromised, that can change. Everyone’s immune threshold is different, and that is all the more reason to treat a person in a whole-body manner, both at the physical and nonphysical levels (see Nature of Disease).

A painful tooth may also be due to acute inflammation in the pulp which if reversed with homeopathic remedies will prevent it from possibly progressing to the death of the tooth.

Sometimes root canals are performed unnecessarily.

Every tooth is on an acupuncture meridian and relates to different organs, vertebrae, tissue and muscle groups. The flow of energy is a two-way street, and sometimes a problem with the associated organ can cause pain in a tooth. This flow of energy is another area where EAV testing is beneficial. Understanding this relationship is crucial because sometimes root canals are performed unnecessarily. If there is still pain after a root canal procedure has been performed, a different tooth may have a root canal trying to alleviate the pain. I have seen patients have two or three root canals trying to eliminate their pain. Ultimately, there was no pain relief because the underlying problem was not the tooth (teeth), but the associated organ, or a problem along the acupuncture meridian. A referral to an appropriate specialist was indicated. Addressing the root cause of pain is crucial to avoid unnecessary, and ineffective procedures.

Again, I urge everyone to see the movie ROOT CAUSE. I believe this movie will enlighten people to do research and make an informed decision before having a root canal.

© 2019, Mark A. Breiner, DDS

The information presented is for educational purposes only. Please consult a qualified dentist or health practitioner for diagnosis and treatment.

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