EAV stands for Electro-Acupuncture According to Voll. EAV testing was named after Dr. Reinhard Voll, a German physician, acupuncturist, and professor of anatomy. Dr. Voll used a very sensitive ohm meter to test the acupuncture points on the body and discovered that the acupuncture points had a different electrical resistance than the surrounding skin. Through meticulous study, he was able to electrically test various acupuncture points throughout the body that related to different organs and tissues. Dr. Voll also showed that the teeth are electromagnetically tied in with the various acupuncture meridians, and thus can affect the whole body.
Beyond that, Dr. Voll discovered that one can test a substance, such as an herb, vitamin, or homeopathic medicine to see if it would balance out the various acupuncture points that were showing a dysregulation. During most initial patient visits, I use EAV testing to obtain a baseline on how the body is functioning from an energetic or electromagnetic stand-point. This is a modern twist on what has been utilized for thousands of years in the Eastern Healing Arts, where physicians looked to the flow of Qi within the meridians to better understand what was going on with their patients, and how to best treat them.
What is important to understand, is that Qi, is not some mystical energy, but in fact, is electromagnetic energy. The acupuncture meridians are the circulatory system, if you will, of our electromagnetic energy. Some of you may have heard of, or experienced acupuncture, where small needles are used to help change the flow of Qi in the meridians. Think about it, what are those needles made of?…… Metal! And we all know that metal is an excellent conductor of electricity. For those that just heard me say NEEDLES, don’t worry, with EAV testing there are no needles involved!
Now that you have seen what EAV testing is and have gotten some brief explanations on how it works, I want to address questions that often arise when a patient learns about their upcoming EAV test.
The first time I test a patient with EAV, the baseline testing can take anywhere from 30-45 minutes depending on the complexity of the case. The baseline testing involves taking 10 readings on each hand and foot so that we can access the main detection sites along the various meridian pathways. If we were to look at an acupuncture chart, you could see meridians that run from the fingers and toes and along the limbs, and from the front and back of the torso and into the head. There are literally hundreds of acupuncture meridians, and the baseline just gives us an overview. Depending on the case, we may explore specific points that relate to an area of concern. For instance, if someone were suffering from brain fog, a common symptom of Lyme disease, then I would localize testing to a point related to the brain and may even get more specific from there.
The mesen-what? The mesenchyme can also be referred to as the extracellular space, or the space between the cells. This is where the blood vessels and lymph reside. One of the primary problems with most disease processes is the accumulation of toxins, and the body not keeping up with removing those toxins. But before toxins can be removed, we first have to make sure the mesenchyme is open. I like to give the analogy that before one does spring cleaning, you have to make sure the windows to the house are open; otherwise, no fresh air comes in, and the dust just gets kicked up. The mesenchyme is the like windows, and we test to make sure all 21 windows are open. If it is blocked, there are a few homeopathic remedies that work for most patients to help open the mesenchyme before we begin a deep cellular detoxification process.
Everything has a unique electromagnetic signal, like a “fingerprint.” If we put that signal into the circuit when we are testing an acupuncture point, and that substance is somewhere along the meridian, it will change the conductance from the previous baseline. So where previously there may have been an indicator drop it now no longer drops. Without going into too much more explanation, just understand that we can tell if a signal is there or not. I like to refer to this type of testing as Biological Signal Analysis.
We can then quantify how strong or weak the signal is by testing an equivalent X potency strength. Where 1x is like 10 to -1, or 0.1, and 20x is like 10 to the -20. The larger the number in front of the x, the more dilute or weaker the signal is. So, if we were to look for something like Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacteria associated with Lyme disease, and the signal is found in a particular area at, let’s say 5x, then I would say that the signal detected is strong.
The answer is NO. I use EAV as a tool to help better understand what is going on with the patient and what might help them. This may lead to further testing with other methods, such as a blood test, or trying specific therapies or medicines. Having used this in my practice for over 15 years, I have to say, that Biological Signal Analysis with EAV has proven to be quite accurate. But just like anything, there are false positive and false negatives. EAV is a fantastic tool to help those practitioners that know how to use it properly.
I hope this video has given you a better understanding of EAV testing and what you can expect when you come in for your visit.
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