A thorough regular cleaning by our skilled hygienist is an integral part of preventing oral disease in our Connecticut dental office. Our hygienist performs a comprehensive evaluation of your tooth and gum health which includes screening for cavities, gum disease, oral cancer, and overall oral healthcare. Your oral inspection is followed by meticulous plaque removal and cleaning above and below the gum line.
A high-tech laser instrument called the Canary helps detect cavities that might otherwise go undetected. Furthermore, as part of your hygiene experience at Whole-Body Dentistry, we provide a thorough periodontal inspection which includes a gentle probing for pockets and microscopic periodontal inspection, which is rarely offered at other dental practices. Taking a plaque sample and looking at it under a microscope is critical to evaluating the patient’s periodontal health and to monitor ongoing systemic and local treatment. This inspection tells us about periodontal infections. Studies show that patients with periodontal disease have higher incidence of heart attack, stroke, and low birth-weight babies. Often this sort of gum inspection can clue us into the patient’s overall health.
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