
In our quest to find the best and latest tools to help our patients, we are excited to be one of the first clinics in the United States to offer the OligoScan, an in-office spectrophotometer to determine intracellular levels of essential minerals, trace elements, toxic heavy metals, and oxidative stress and protection.

Developed in France, after decades of research, the OligoScan is a sophisticated test that is simple to administer.  After getting specific essential information, such as height, weight, age, and blood type, readings are taken using the spectrophotometer device at four different locations on the person’s non-dominant hand.  Your data is uploaded to the OligoScan servers where it is analyzed against a vast database.  You and your doctor can immediately see the results.  With this information about your current state of health better treatment decisions can be made.

Breiner Whole Body Health Center

What is spectrophotometry?

Spectrophotometry is a quantitative analytical method of measuring the absorption or the optical density of a chemical. It is based on the principle of absorption, transmission or reflection of light by the chemical compounds over a specific wavelength range.

Spectrophotometry is used in many areas: chemistry, pharmaceuticals, environment, food, biology, medical/clinical, industrial and others. In the medical field, spectrophotometry is used to examine blood or tissue.


Breiner Whole Body Health Center

Revolutionizing Autism Care: Testing and Therapies with Whole Body Medicine

If your child or family member has been diagnosed with Autism, you are likely trying everything you can to help them achieve the best possible life.  While the exact cause of Autism has not conclusively been established, one thing is for certain, the sharp rise in cases over the past several decades likely point to environmental toxins (i.e. pesticides, food additives, pharmaceutical, and wireless technologies), especially in individuals who may have some genetic predispositions.

There are some common features and underlying factors that the brains and bodies of those with autism have.  Among these are neuroinflammation, gastrointestinal issues and problems with detoxification.  While seemingly separate, they are interrelated.

At Whole-Body Medicine, we have been working with those on the spectrum for many years.  Utilizing the diagnostic and therapeutic tools we have at our Center can help those with ASD tremendously.

Testing is important, as it can help reveal the the toxic load of the individual as well as some of the challenges, they may be having in removing those toxins.  One of the first ways we like to test patients is with EAV (Electro-Acupuncture According to Voll).  This non-invasive test measures the flow of electrons through the meridians and also allows us to find signals of various things that may be effecting the body, such as infections and toxins, and what may help balance this.  (Learn more about EAV). 

Another important test is known as the Oligoscan.  With the Oligoscan, a spectrophotometer uses light to get the peak absorption spectrum of various minerals and heavy metals through the skin.  In just minutes, we can learn many things about the body and what deficiencies and toxins one may be dealing with.  (See Oligoscan for more info)

To understand gastrointestinal challenges better, we may suggest that a stool analysis be performed, such as the GI-Map.  This will let us see how the gut microbiome is behaving, and whether there are pathogenic bacteria, parasites and candida present. We can also learn about the gut integrity, and inflammation.

As mentioned before, many of those with ASD suffer from GI issues, whether symptomatic or not, which likely will lead to food sensitivities and allergies or can be made worse because of these.  Simple blood testing can help show us what your child may be reacting to, which can help guide dietary changes.  There are several labs that we may choose from, such as Precision Point Diagnostics, Cyrex, Labs, ALCAT, Vibrant and others…

Gaining insights into brain function is another important aspect in treating ASD and other neurological conditions.  We utilize the latest tools in Electroencephalograms (EEG) to record and then analyze the way the brain is functioning.  With this information, we can help create personalized Neurotherapy treatment protocols of with tDCS, tACS, tPNS, PEMF, Neurofeedback and more.  (See the NeuroEdge)

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has been shown to improve the brains of Autistic individuals. We were the first free-standing Hyperbaric Oxygen facility in the State of Connecticut over 20 years ago, and still the only free-standing facility to offer true Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy with the same equipment used in the hospitals.  We were also the first to utilize this game changing therapy for neurological conditions such as Autism. (Learn more about HBOT)

TruDose™ is one of the newest tools in our arsenal at the Breiner Center.  This amazing therapy is very quickly becoming known for being a safe and easy option for a whole array of chronic conditions.  Using one’s own platelets, at the correct dosage, the body can start to heal itself from chronic illnesses such as Autism by helping reducing neuro and systemic inflammation and stimulating healing and repair. (Learn more about TruDose)

Another great way of helping the body detoxify, is through a process known as Laser Energy Detox (LED).  Laser Energy Detox is a gentle and effective rapid detoxification method. Before undergoing an LED, we first use a galvanic skin resistance tester known as the Zyto™ Scan where various organs and tissues are tested as to which areas are most out of balance, identify the toxic foci (areas where the toxins are most present), and the toxins present.  Then a special homeopathic preparation is created for the individual that becomes the information that the body will integrate in order to detoxify.  Low-level infrared, red and green lasers are the carrier waves that penetrate this information to the cells to stimulate balancing and detoxification. Over the next several days, the body begins to release the toxins that were addressed in the LED session, as well as balancing various glands, hormones and neurotransmitters.  Subsequent LED sessions address more of the toxic load.

Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) is an amazing therapy where an imperceptible current carries several frequencies to help the tissue or organs targeted to heal, repair and improve function.  This can have profound effects on those with ASD, as FSM can help address areas of the body and brain that have been effected. (See FSM for more info)

The above-mentioned tests and therapeutics are just some of the things we may do to help those with ASD.  You are encouraged to explore more information on our website, follow us on social media and subscribe to our YouTube Channel, where you can learn all about the latest advances we are exploring.  Remember, each child’s case is unique, we will work with you to find the best solutions to giving them the best chance of reaching their fullest potential.

Oligoscan Vitamins Example
Oligoscan Ratios Example
Oligoscan Minerals Example
Oligoscan Heavy Metals Example

How is the Oligoscan different than tests such as blood, urine and hair analysis?

Most of these other tests measure either circulating levels of minerals or metals, such as with blood testing, or what the body is excreting, such as with urine and hair analysis.  The OligoScan is unique in that it measures the levels of minerals and metals inside your cells.

For instance, a urine test for heavy metals showed high levels of lead and mercury. A chelating agent, which binds to heavy metals, was used. Different chelating agents are more selective for specific metals. In this case, the test results showed a higher lead in the urine because of the chelating agent used. The Oligoscan showed both these metals high in the tissues with mercury levels more elevated than the lead levels. The Oligoscan provided a more accurate picture of what was occurring in the tissues, indicating that the mercury was more of a problem than the lead levels.

Another example is seen in someone with high calcium in their hair analysis. On the OligoScan, the same patient may show a deficiency of intracellular calcium as they are not utilizing their calcium.

Blood tests are complementary and in many cases will also be performed to better understand the patient’s overall health.

How often should I get an Oligoscan?

One can immediately see the intracellular tissue levels of the various essential minerals, trace minerals, toxic heavy metals and oxidative stress and protection.  Oligoscans are very advantageous as not only can one tell what is going on in the body right at that time, but follow-up scans can show how one’s case is progressing.  A follow-up scan may be performed anywhere from 6-12 weeks after the initial scan to make sure that the treatment protocol is working.

What am I looking for on a follow-up Oligoscan?

One of the most critical aspects of proper cellular function are ratios of certain essential minerals, such as Copper and Zinc and Sodium and Potassium. Generally, the practitioner will be looking for an improvement in these ratios as well as improvement in key elements.  Changes in heavy metal toxicity will be noted, but this may shift in a way that indicates more mobilization of the metals as the body can better detoxify once the proper minerals are re-established.  Improvement in blockages in the body and reduced oxidative stress are also essential shifts to consider.

Can children be tested on the OligoScan?

Children who are two years and older can be tested using the OligoScan.  It is an ideal way to obtain useful information, and your child will enjoy the fact that they will not be getting any needles!

How much does an Oligoscan cost?

The current price for a scan in $175
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