Heavy Metal Testing

There are a variety of tests to determine your body burden of mercury and other toxic metals Heavy Metal.

Dr. Breiner finds EAV (Electro-acupuncture According to Voll) testing invaluable. This energetic testing indicates if heavy metals are a problem, how much of a problem, and which areas of your body are most affected. EAV can also test for other toxins such as chemicals and pesticides, as well as for dental material reactivity.

At our health clinic, Whole-Body Medicine offers an exciting new technology called the Oligoscan. This scan can measure intracellular levels of toxic heavy metals, essential minerals, and trace elements. This non-invasive test also indicates your level of oxidative stress. Most tests measure either circulating levels of minerals or metals, such as with blood testing, or what the body is excreting, such as with urine and hair analysis.  The OligoScan is unique in that it measures the levels of minerals and metals inside your cells.

A dental materials compatibility test will evaluate if you react to mercury and other components of amalgam fillings, as well as any other dental product used in your mouth. This test can be very beneficial especially for those who are reactive to many things in their environment.  A sample of your blood is tested against 94 chemical groups which correlate to systemic sensitivities to more than 17,000 dental products. Your report will indicate those components to which you are reactive, as well as listing the dental products by brand name, which are suitable or non-suitable for your immune system.

A provocative urine test can reveal how much saturation of mercury is in the tissues of the body. We begin by having a physician take a baseline urine test for mercury and other heavy metals. Then a chelating drug which binds the metals is administered. When the urine is retested, you can see if there is a substantial increase of metals in the urine, compared to the baseline, indicating a problem with a metal buildup in the tissues. A word of caution: a specific chelating agent that binds mercury must be used in this provocative urine test. If your kidney function is impaired, you will not have adequate excretion of heavy metals. It is important to understand that mercury accumulates heavily in the kidneys. One study in monkeys showed that kidney function was decreased by 50% thirty days after placement of mercury fillings.

Some dentists use a mercury vapor test which helps determine how much mercury vapor is escaping the fillings both during stimulation (like chewing) and while at rest. Mercury vapor, from the silver/mercury fillings, is emitted 24/7. Thus Dr. Breiner finds this test superfluous.

Hair analysis is another useful tool for evaluating heavy metals.  Hair analysis will screen for heavy metals, and often will reveal high lead levels in both children and adults, which usually prompts referral to a physician. However, hair analysis is not particularly useful for indicating a mercury problem. Many patients who have high mercury on urine testing may not have high hair mercury. Nevertheless, if mercury is high in the hair, there is almost definitely a problem.

Hair analysis also tests for minerals, and in general, a mineral imbalance is more important than vitamin levels. What is important on the hair analysis results are not so much the absolute values of the hair minerals, but the ratios. Of course, the absolute values cannot be far from optimal.

For instance, a normal ratio of calcium to magnesium in the hair is about seven parts calcium to one part magnesium. A very high ratio of calcium to magnesium, for example, 15 to 1 or more, indicates a sensitivity to carbohydrates, and this person will benefit from a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet. If the individual has not been on that kind of diet, they usually will feel much better if they cut down their consumption of carbohydrates. Another useful ratio is calcium to potassium. If the calcium to potassium ratio is greater than approximately five, it indicates an underactive thyroid; the greater the ratio, the weaker the thyroid.

Very high hair calcium level usually indicates the patient will be slower in responding to treatment. The calcium is a form not readily utilizable and blocks normal function. These people are actually “starving” for calcium.

The information gleaned from a hair analysis discussed above can be more easily obtained from the OligoScan. With the OligoScan, cutting of the hair and mailing to a lab, are not necessary.

Learn More:

Electrodermal Screening  (EAV Testing)


Smoking Gun Video by IAOMT

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