Dental Cavitations. Are they real?

Tooth and holistic dental tool

What are dental cavitations?

A dental cavitation is a hole in the bone, most often where a tooth has been removed. The tissue over the extraction site looks fine but is sometimes sensitive to pressure or light stroking. A 3-D cone beam X-ray can often detect them; however, I find the best way to reveal the presence of cavitations is with energetic testing. Using Electro-acupuncture According to Voll (EAV), not only can I verify their presence, but a level of toxicity can also be ascertained.

Are dental cavitations a problem?

Cavitations are potentially a problem because this hole becomes a reservoir for bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, toxins, etc. The effects of this infection in the bone can result in many symptoms throughout one’s body. Trigeminal neuralgia is one possible effect, as well as heart symptoms, arthritis, general fatigue, and almost anything; however, in most instances, these are just one spoke on the wheel of ill health.

Does the average dentist recognize cavitations?

No. Dental schools do not teach this even though cavitations have been recognized and labeled with various names for over 100 years. Many dental boards refuse to acknowledge their existence, and dentists have lost their licenses for treating cavitations. Most holistic dentists are aware of these defects and the potentially detrimental health effects they may cause. Through the years, these bony defects have had many different names. Today, they are known most often as NICO lesions (Neuragia-Inducing Cavitational Osteonecrosis). I prefer to call them a more inclusive name I coined, SICO lesions (Sickness Inducing Cavitational Osteonecosis).

How are they treated?

The topic of treatment is an interesting one. Dentists who recognize their existence usually treat them by surgically exposing the bony defect, debriding it, and irrigating the site with ozone. They then place a bony matrix or protein-rich plasma into the defect to stimulate bone growth.

Will this take care of the problem?

The problem I have encountered many times is that patients come to me after they have had surgical treatment of the defect, and the cavitation is still present. Many patients experience some improvement in various symptoms; however, often this improvement does not last. After spending thousands of dollars and suffering through one and sometimes two, three, or more surgeries with the same result, they are upset and frustrated.

Why the failures?

These surgical failures happen for several reasons. The main problem is that the underlying that didn’t allow healing in the first place after the extraction is still present. What I find is that all these patients, in addition to all their physical and emotional complaints, are toxic with heavy metals, chemicals, pesticides, mold, and more. Also, the cavitation is rarely confined to a small localized area that is amenable to complete surgical removal. The infection spreads like a spiderweb beyond its center. It is impossible to remove all of it surgically. The injection of ozone gas into the center of the defect beautifully demonstrates this. The gas will cause a slight burning sensation and will follow the infection.

For example, after injecting ozone gas into the lower right area where the wisdom tooth had been extracted, I have had patients feel the burning sensation around their entire jaw! Sometimes, they feel the burning sensation spread to their ear, shoulder, or beyond. Ozone gas will follow the infection, kill bacteria, viruses, mold, etc., and stimulate bone growth. Injecting ozone gas directly into the bony defect is how I non-surgically treat the lesions. However, and THIS IS CRITICAL, I only treat the cavitations once the groundwork has been laid to allow the cavitation treatment to be successful.

What to do for a successful outcome.

Assuring success requires ridding the body of toxins and treating the person so that they are already feeling much better physically and emotionally and are in a state where they can heal the bony lesions either by themselves or with an assist from the ozone. The best way to achieve this is by using homeopathic remedies. I treat the physical and non-physical planes and find this the most successful, gentle and least invasive path. (see You Look Like An Egg to Me. newsletter).

So I CAUTION anyone who thinks they have a cavitation to thoroughly discuss the detection and treatment methods with their practitioner.

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