Excess of sodium causes water retention and can elevate blood pressure
Choose those foods which labeled as low-sodium, very low sodium, or salt-free
Eat more fresh foods because processed foods contain high amount of sodium
The ratio of sodium to potassium consumption should be 1: 5 or even better 1: 10
Potassium can lessen the effects of sodium on blood pressure
Top 10 Foods Highest in Potassium
White beans
Dark leafy green vegetables
Baked potatoes with skin
Dried apricots
Backed acorn squash
Avoid eating table sugar
Table sugar and simple carbohydrates may cause diabetes, which is a risk factor for HYPERTENSION, obesity, and heart disease
Eliminate refined white flour products from your diet
Refining process eliminates nearly all fibers, vitamins, and minerals
Processed flour is deficient in magnesium which is crucial for contractility of the heart muscle as well as regulation of blood pressure
Eat magnesium-rich foods
According to USDA food charts, the five foods with the highest magnesium per typical serving
Bran breakfast cereal
Cooked spinach and dark-colored leafy green vegetables
Foods with highest magnesium per milligram, regardless of typical intake
Bran breakfast cereal
Pumpkin seeds
Avoid soft drinks, coffee, and strong black tea
Eat red meat once per week*
*Source: British Medical Journal, Eating of Red Meat May Increase Blood Pressure,BMJ 2008;337:a258
Design: Cross sectional epidemiological study
Participants:4680 adults aged 40-59
Conclusion: An unfavorable effect of red meat on blood pressure was observed
Eat more fish and white meat of poultry
Many fish contain high levels of toxic heavy metals
Heavy metal toxicities relate to hypertension
To prevent hypertension eat wild fish found in the cold water, such as wild Alaskan salmon, or open water small-body fish
Beet Juice Lowers Blood Pressure
The British Heart Foundation study published in the American Heart Association journal Hypertension, found that participants with hypertension had a drop of BP of about 10 mm Hg following a daily dose of 250 ml/8 ounces of the juice
The effect of the beetroot juice was most distinct 3 to 6 hours after it was consumed
The ingredient responsible for the impact on blood pressure is nitrate
Nitrate increases the levels of nitric oxide, which relaxes and widens the blood vessels and thereby aid blood flow